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Our mission​

LILA LOVES IT improves the well-being and happy coexistence of dogs and humans. Out of care for our world and all its creatures, we develop meaningful products of outstanding quality. Our high standards of ethics and aesthetics are pioneering. In recognition of the value of our work, we were voted Germany’s No. 1 grooming brand (according to Statista 2024).
Gründertreffen: Stefanie Diem und Hündin Lila sitzen am Esstisch und schauen sich liebevoll gegenseitig an


LILA LOVES IT is a manufactory for sustainable dog products in Greifenberg at the beautiful Ammersee. Named after Lila, the Rhodesian Ridgeback bitch of managing director Stefanie Diem, we are focused on dogs from head to toe. The range includes dog care, dog food, nutritional supplements, treats and chews as well as exclusive toys and accessories. Our range promotes the physical and emotional well-being of dogs. This is our world and nothing else. In short: Lila loves it & We love dogs!

Apotheken-Symbol in schwarz mit transparentem Hintergrund

Developed by veterinarians

Stilisiertes Blätter Icon in Schwarz mit transparentem Hintergrund

Nature meets High Tech

Umkreister Umriss von Deutschland in Schwarz mit transparentem Hintergrund

Made in Germany

Durchgestrichenes Häschen Icon in Schwarz mit einem transparenten Hintergrund

Without animal testing

Our veterinarian

Dr. Stefanie Mallmann, veterinarian and expert in the fields of allergy and dermatology, is responsible for the development of the care products, dog food and supplementary feeds. Together with experts in nutritional science, ecology and pharmacy, she is in close contact and checks the production and the quality of the results. In this way, we can guarantee that our products are really useful from a veterinary point of view. Sustainability at LILA LOVES IT means the synergy of scientific knowledge and proven botany: high tech & tradition.

Tierärztin Stefanie Mallmann

A top priority for us.

Be it electricity from in-house solar panels, filtered rainwater for flushing the toilets, raw materials from controlled organic cultivation, environmentally friendly packaging materials – sustainability is written large at LILA LOVES IT, since the beginning. As honest dog-loving people, we face the challenge of dealing with the resources of our earth in a responsible and future-oriented way. Environmentally and socially responsible production and work culture determine our actions. That is why we have committed ourselves to the goals of the United Nations Global Compact.

Braune Glasflaschen mit LILA LOVES IT Logo auf weißem Tisch.

Materials & Packing

When choosing packaging for care products, snacks and food, we have to consider many things: The materials should be sustainable in production, transport, storage and disposal. They must protect the contents and be stable themselves.

Social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is a core value of LILA LOVES IT. We want to contribute to a world worth living in, for all living beings. That is why LILA LOVES IT has committed itself to the UN Global Compact. Our actions are guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) developed by the United Nations.

In addition, we have been working together with the local Caritas in Fürstenfeldbruck and the Augsburg social enterprise manomama since the beginning. We also regularly support various animal welfare organizations through donations.

Transparency & Certificates

Honesty and trust are the foundation of all healthy relationships. So that you can trust us, we provide full details of all the ingredients in our products. We seek advice from qualified experts and are regularly checked by external test centers. That’s why we were voted Germany’s No. 1 coat care brand in 2024 according to Statista.

Raw materials & partners

In the development and manufacture of our products, it is essential for us that the raw materials are verifiable effective. Their production and further processing must follow ethical principles. The appreciation of our environment, of all animals and humans is our imperative.

Steffi Diem, CEO von LILA LOVES IT, im Gespräch mit der Porzellannapf-Designerin Patsy

LILA LOVES IT - How it all began

By now, it is part of every company, every brand, to be able to tell a good story. A really good story, with a heroine and a problem and obstacles and a happy ending. Here it is, the story of a woman and her dog who set out to rethink the world of animal welfare.

Steffi Diem mit Hündin Lila vor blauer Tür

Ridgeback dog Lila provided Stefanie Diem with the inspiration for a company whose goal is the sustainable development of essential animal care. Because like many dogs, Lila suffered from chronic problems with her ears. Often, itching and inflammation could only be alleviated by cortisone preparations. Stefanie Diem recognised the need to develop an alternative. Her vision: a reliable care product that is verifiable effective because the formula combines veterinary knowledge and traditional active ingredients from nature.

And so, in close cooperation with a pharmacist, a serum was created from purely natural ingredients. In retrospect, this serum can be described as the first LILA LOVES IT product. A product that is still unique due to its outstanding effect: The FIRST AID BALSAM. Since then, Lila’s ear problems are a thing of the past.

The kitchen table at home has been exchanged for professional office space, a doctor of veterinary medicine has been hired in a managerial position. And because the way to a dog’s heart is through its stomach and healthy nutrition is essential for the well-being of living creatures, LILA LOVES IT now develops high-quality dog food as well as care products. With great success.