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Tick protection for your dog

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Ticks can transmit dangerous diseases such as borreliosis, anaplasmosis or babesiosis. That is why it is important that dog owners take care to protect their animals. Tick repellents for dogs differ in their dosage form, composition and effectiveness. We do not use chemicals and rely on natural and effective protection against ticks.

Natürlicher Zeckenschutz "Anti-Tique Spray" von LILA LOVES IT im Set "Zeckenschutz-Set"
Pictogramm Symbol einer Schlange die sich um ein V schlängelt

Developed by veterinarians

Piktogramm Symbol zweier Blätter auf die Wassertropfen fallen

Nature meets High Tech

Piktogramm Symbol des Umrisses von Deutschland in einem Kreis eingefasse

Made in Germany

Piktogramm Symbol eines Hasens, der wie ein Verkehrsschild durchgestrichen ist

Without animal testing

Elegantes Portrait von Frau Dr. Stefanie Mallmann vor einer weißen Wand

Ticks are not only a nuisance for dogs, but can also be very dangerous. They can transmit a variety of bacteria, viruses and protozoa and thus cause dangerous diseases in both the infested animal and humans. Diseases transmitted by ticks include Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, TBE, ehrlichiosis and hepatozoonosis. Therefore, quick action in case of acute tick infestation and thorough prevention in spring are particularly important to protect the health of your four-legged friend.

Unterschrift von Dr Stefanie Mallmann

Dr. Stefanie Mallmann, veterinarian at LILA LOVES IT

Natural tick protection - The right precaution for your dog

Proper prevention is the most important thing to protect your dog against diseases caused by tick bites. The most effective way is to use an effective tick repellent. However, both chemical and natural tick repellents do not provide 100% protection. Similarly, time is of the essence when it comes to diseases that ticks can transmit. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you check your dog’s skin and coat directly after every visit to the countryside and remove the pests as quickly and cleanly as possible.

Natürlicher Zeckenschutz "Anti-Tique Spray" von LILA LOVES IT

Which tick repellent is suitable for your dog?

There is a confusingly large range of tick products for dogs. Most of them contain a lot of chemicals, which is neither positive for the dog, nor for the people around, nor for the environment. We have been looking for a natural alternative for a long time and finally developed our own ANTI-TIQUE SPRAY.

Our tick repellent spray works thanks to a natural active ingredient from lemon eucalyptus, the smell of which deters ticks from attaching themselves to the “host”. Compared to conventional tick repellents, biological or natural protection products are almost always harmless to dogs, humans and nature. Even if the dog licks the applied product, there is usually no health risk.

Treat tick bites on dogs correctly

If your dog has been bitten by a tick despite precautions, fast action is required: remove the tick as quickly as possible with a suitable tool to avoid transmission of pathogens. Our high-quality stainless steel tick pliers enable easy and reliable removal of trapped ticks, even from sensitive body parts. Afterwards, it is recommended to clean the bite area thoroughly and apply a soothing solution such as our silver spray.

LILA LOVES IT "Zeckenschutz-Set" mit Travel Bag, Zeckenzange, Anti-Tique Zeckenspray und Silberspray für Hunde
Hund wird ruhig von Arzt behandelt

When to go to the vet?

  • Inflammation of the sting site (redness, warmth, pain).
  • Deterioration of general condition (listlessness, loss of appetite, fever, etc.)
  • Incompletely removed tick

General questions about tick infestation in dogs

When do I need tick protection for my dog?

Every year the tick season starts earlier. As soon as spring announces itself, the pests awaken from hibernation. To minimise the risk of tick bites, it is recommended to check your dog regularly for ticks, especially after walks in forest and meadow regions. Prophylactic treatment with a tick repellent such as our ANTI-TIQUE SPRAY can also be useful, especially in regions with a high tick population.

What is the best way to protect my dog from ticks?

The best way to protect your dog is with a prophylactic tick repellent such as our ANTI-TIQUE SPRAY. How? Quite simply with a pump shot on the chest, hind legs and back and gladly on yourself - not that the tick then bites the dog owner.

Our spray can also be used for puppies and humans alike, is purely herbal and very well tolerated. If your dog is looking for a special treat in the cool water and is an enthusiastic swimmer, we recommend spraying him again afterwards. The active ingredients simply dissolve in the water.

The ANTI-TIQUE SPRAY has an effect of 4-5 hours. After that, you have to reapply it because the active ingredients then "evaporate".  But don't worry, our practical bottle with 100 ml fits well in every gas pocket.

How can I tell if my dog has been bitten by a tick?

Our vet strongly recommends checking the coat after every stay in the countryside. As a rule, the ticks "walk" on the coat for a while until they bite. She also has a little trick for you: simply roll an adhesive lint roller over the coat and be happy when one of the ticks sticks to the adhesive foil.

How do I remove a tick from my dog?

Our vet has written a detailed article (in german) about this : "Tick bite in dogs: How to behave properly." The article summarises how to behave in case of tick bites, how to remove ticks correctly and how to prevent tick bites.

What diseases can dogs get from tick bites?

Ticks are not only a nuisance for dogs, they can also be really dangerous. Unfortunately, ticks can transmit a whole range of bacteria, viruses and protozoa and thus trigger dangerous diseases in the infested animal or in humans. Diseases transmitted by ticks are, for example, borreliosis, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, TBE, ehrlichiosis and hepatozoonosis.

What side effects can occur with tick repellents?

Conventional tick repellents can cause side effects such as skin irritation, itching, hair loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, breathing difficulties and neurological symptoms such as tremors, convulsions and coordination problems. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when using tick repellent and never give your dog more than the recommended amount. Our Anti-Tique Spray is generally very well tolerated and we are not aware of any side effects to date. However, we recommend that you test the tolerance of any product applied to the skin on a small area in advance. If you notice any other side effects, you should contact your vet and discontinue the product if necessary.

Protection against ticks and fleas in comparison

Chewable tablets for dogs: With chewable tablets, the dog orally absorbs the active ingredient against ticks and passes it on to the parasite with the blood that the tick sucks. It is not a direct anti-tick protection for the dog and does not prevent tick infestation of the dog.

Spot-on tick repellents for dogs: Spot-ons are one of the most commonly used tick repellents. The application is simple, the products are applied directly to the dog’s skin. The big disadvantage: they usually consist of toxic ingredients. Therefore, it is extremely important to make sure that the animals do not lick the product. With spot-ons, the dog must not come into contact with water for about three to seven days, as the protection would otherwise wash off.

Tick sprays for dogs: This includes our LILA LOVES IT ANTI-TIQUE SPRAY. The anti-tick spray is a natural repellent and repels ticks with its odour substances. It lasts up to 6 hours and should be applied evenly to the dog’s chest, back and hind legs. For anxious dogs, the spray can also be sprayed on the hands and rubbed on the dog. Due to its type of action and duration, it should only be applied after the dog has been in the car or just before going for a walk. If the dog comes into contact with water, the spray must be reapplied to the respective areas.

Tick collars for dogs: Tick collars usually contain similar ingredients to spot-ons. The dog wears them around the neck for part of the tick season. Tick collars usually contain chemical agents, such as nerve agents. We probably don’t need to mention that these can pose a certain danger to the four-legged friend and his environment.

Combined flea and tick protection for dogs: These tick products help against both tick and flea infestation. Our ANTI-TIQUE SPRAY also prevents both.