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Shop / Concerns

Shop by Concerns

We have been at your side for over 10 years now and develop sensible and effective products to keep our beloved four-legged friends healthy.

Countless feedbacks and personal conversations are important for us and drive us to find solutions for various problems – always under the direction of our veterinarian Dr. med. vet. Stefanie Mallmann. In order to be able to advise you even more comprehensively, we want to help you directly according to your concerns. 

We have put together a list of the products that can best help your dog. For a happy and long life together.

Zwei Hunde liegen neugierig auf einem Hundebett

Itching in dogs: causes, symptoms and care tips

Under the topic “Itching in dogs” you will find suitable care products to support acute itching and its prevention. The right therapy is particularly important here, as it is a common skin problem in dogs that can quickly become a burden for both dog and owner.

Natürlicher Zeckenschutz "Anti-Tique Spray" von LILA LOVES IT im Set "Zeckenschutz-Set"

Tick protection for Your dog

To prevent Lyme disease, anaplasmosis and babesiosis in dogs, reliable tick protection is essential. We offer natural alternatives to chemical tick products to protect your four-legged friend. Discover our efficient and effective solutions for tick protection.

Gastrointestinal problems in dogs

On the gastrointestinal concerns page, you will learn why a healthy intestinal flora is so important for your dog’s immune system and how stress, medication or the wrong diet can affect digestion. We give you tips on how to support your dog with gastrointestinal problems.

Head-shaking in dogs: recognising and treating ear problems

Dogs that shake their heads can suffer from various ear problems such as infections or allergic reactions. Foreign bodies in the ear canal can also be responsible. Learn here how to recognise signs of ear problems in your dog and what measures you can take to prevent inflammation.

Großer beiger Hund und Erste Hilfe Set für Hunde von LILA LOVES IT "First-Aid-Kit"

Skin irritations & wounds in dogs

Early detection of skin irritations and wounds in dogs is crucial to maintain your pet’s well-being. The causes can be many, such as allergies, injuries or parasites. However, with the right care and treatment, most problems can be treated well.

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